Tuesday 8 May 2012

Battlefield 3, game textures

I purchased Battlefield 3 back at Christmas and have been amazed and astounded at the attention of detail made for the game. The new Frostbite 2 engine, which was designed specifically for the game has taken the shooter experience to a whole new level.

I looked at the official trailer for the DLC 'Back to Karkand' to dive and explore the world of gaming textures and just how well and what i can learn from the people at Dice studios.
Unlike any other first person shooters Battlefield 3 has an almost 100% destructible environment. This means that in texturing all poly faces must be textured even if they are not initially seen in the game. Discovering how long it takes to UV and bump map on a smaller scale has made me appreciate the work done by Dice in Battlefield 3. Along with developing the technology to allow the textures to rip apart in fantastic and mind blowing explosions has helped me push my work driver further, hoping to achieve a realistic and exciting game environment.

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