Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Me and Chris Lloyd for our ppp decided to take our initiative and work together in our own project. The idea was to bring everything we learnt over the year in to one project about the whole year. And so we decided to modle a cinema projecting two films that we had made about two different sides of the year.
Unfortunately we have come across technical errors with the cinema but all assets and media media made for the project are ready to go. Here are the results as followed

Services and sectors

Services and Sectors

Uk economy
-7th largest in the world
-3rd largest in Europe
-one of the most globalised countries
-London is the largest financial centre equal with New York
-Largest industries - aerospace pharmaceuticals, north sea oil and gas

What is am industry sector?
-An area of the economy with related products or services
Four sectors:
-Primary sector
-Secondary sector
-Tertiary sector

Public sector - publicly owned or state owned
Private sector - privately owned and usually run for profit
3rd sector - voluntary, charity, community owned business. None profit.

TSO's (third sector organisations)
- independent from government
- are 'value driven'

- agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing
- construction
- production industries
- service industries

Media Consolidation

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Game Assets

This project has made me think a lot about game design and the amount of time and effort put into a project. My main asset for my environment was my warehouse. For my research i looked at concept art from different games which I believed matched a similar atmosphere to my game environment.

This is a perspective plan of a barracks from Battlefield 2142. This picture helped me a lot, giving me guidance on what is expected form a good game assets and stages in which you do it. The picture shows us a poly count of the the barracks, which is useful since i was supposed to be keeping an eye on my polly count and making sure its low. So this was a good basis for me to work from.

To further my development i also looked at 'Halo Reach' concept art, i liked the futuristic architecture in the game and drew a lot of inspiration from the Halo series.


Crash site

Here are some screen shots from my final environment.

Game and sound design

Sound design I believe is one of the most important factors in making a game what it is. I believe that sound and music subtle or not creates the tension and leaving you on the edge of your seats bringing you back to the game again and again.

For my environment i tried to make a sense of chaos in the atmosphere. When you enter the scene an alarm in the warehouse instantaneously activates, you can hear the sound of a distant fire and the low humming on machines in the warehouse. If you walk over to the crash site the fire gets louder and louder and mixed with the alarm whaling in the background you get a sense of mayhem in the environment.

One game that certainly helped me with my initial research and inspired my sound design is the game 'Amnesia'. Amnesia is a survival horror game by Friction games. The game features a protagonist named Daniel who explores a dark and forbidden castle. The game was well reviewed, winning several awards at the Independent Game Festival. The sound design is so well renowned for the game that the game soundtrack is available for purchase and very popular.

Being set in a forbidden castle you can imagine the music being very creepy and aerie but Amnesia take it to the next level. The music in this acts as a sort of guide, evolving you in the music as you walk through this desolant castle following a petrifying cry for help for clues.

Game Mod's

Whilst undertaking this project i have thought a lot about my context of practise and how i could take these skills i have learnt into my own project. I've been thinking about mods a lot in the past couple of weeks. I love the idea of mods, taking something you like and turning it into something you desire. One mod in particular that i used to play and steal respect is the mod of 'Battlefield 2', 'Battlefield: Project Reality.

Project reality is a series of tactical first-person shooters which aims to recreate a realistic combat environment, which places great emphasis on team work and co-operation. The game has been critically acclaimed through the mod-ding world with IGN and Gamespy both highly recommending the game. So it's no surprise that the game has won several awards as mod of the year 2006, 07, 08 and 2010.

Looking back at project reality has given me a drive for my game environment that i could potentially make a high quality game such as this. It has also prompted me into doing a side project using the tools i have learnt from OUDF406

Warehouse Project

For my main asset in my game environment i decided to create a slightly futuristic Warehouse in Maya. When starting this project my Maya skills weren't particularly great, kicking the project off to a uneven start. But as i waded through the project i felt myself improve further and further.

Here is some rendered screen shots of my Warehouse -

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Battlefield 3, game textures

I purchased Battlefield 3 back at Christmas and have been amazed and astounded at the attention of detail made for the game. The new Frostbite 2 engine, which was designed specifically for the game has taken the shooter experience to a whole new level.

I looked at the official trailer for the DLC 'Back to Karkand' to dive and explore the world of gaming textures and just how well and what i can learn from the people at Dice studios.
Unlike any other first person shooters Battlefield 3 has an almost 100% destructible environment. This means that in texturing all poly faces must be textured even if they are not initially seen in the game. Discovering how long it takes to UV and bump map on a smaller scale has made me appreciate the work done by Dice in Battlefield 3. Along with developing the technology to allow the textures to rip apart in fantastic and mind blowing explosions has helped me push my work driver further, hoping to achieve a realistic and exciting game environment.

Thursday, 3 May 2012


I did not think i would be sat here, writing a blog post. When i had finally got into bed about ten minutes ago. Until i stumbled upon this music video directed and shot by Matt Terry for the song Murmurs by Barefoot. The video starts in the dead of night and several lights have been placed around a stone circle. When the minmal beat of the various percussion are played the lights are shone in different directions. Illuminating in a mesmerizing and beautiful pattern. This light work is all captured in a time-lapse, as you see the dark sky move on through the night. Some breaks and interludes are filled with the light painting in the stone circle in the same shot, and sewed into the video. Which brings it all together and complements the chilled ambient vibe the song was intended for.