Wednesday 1 August 2012

WHP 2012

The Warehouse Project is a series of club nights organised in Manchester. The night have been running from 2006. Changing venue each year. It runs from September through to New Years Day each year plus occasional one off dates such as Bank Holiday weekends.

As the venue moves year by year prestigious production companies with Manchester have made video after video of the different venues and nights. The latest venue for the 2012 Warehouse project has since been released and is an amazing piece of work.

WHP2012 from The Warehouse Project on Vimeo.

The composition of the video is extraordinary. With a lot of detail gone in to the lighting and exposure of the shots. One aspect of the video i did like was the mirrored filter used in the post production on certain shots such as these -

This is one of my favourite shots from the video  with mirrored filter of the shot with overlapping low opacity of the lights moving almost in synchronisation of the crowd captures the raw energy and atmosphere of the club.

The mirrored effect gives a 'trippy' and almost hypnotic feel entrancing you into the video. Another video where i've seen this technique used before is in a music video by an Artists called 'Mmoths' with track entitled 'THNX'

The Song is very relaxed and ambient and fits these stunning wildlife scenes mirrored together to make an odd, almost alien surroundings. I hope to one day use this technique in a piece that calls for it. 

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