Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Modernism in it's broadest definition is modern thought. The term describes the modernist movement in the art, it sets cultural tendencies and associated cultural movements which originally arose from wide-scale western society in the late 19th century.

Max nordau
Lumiere brothers first films - ran screaming out of theatre as they thought they were going to be run over. This new way of cinema had taken the world by storm, and some people literally couldn't believe what they were seeing

Modernism is a subjective experience and is not a style, 

Monet - modernity blurred brush strokes. Paint the experience of the world. 
New technology and new buildings allows a new view of the world. Tall buildings - different (higher) view.

Modernism in design. Responds to changes in the world. New is b
etter anti-historicism.
Truth materials tube steel chair not painted to look like Anything, left to look like tubular steel 
 Form follows function, good function is more important than colour. It looks good because it works well 

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