Tuesday 29 November 2011

Tutorial video story board OUDF404

My next brief is a tutorial video in which i have to make an instructional video describing how to perform a task in intricate detail. With my roots in BMX i have decided to do a video on how to Jay hop a BMX bike for beginners.
In this video i plan for it to be shot at Hyde park skatepark in Leeds. The starting sequence of the video will contain close up shots of me talking and describing how to perform the trick with shots and clips of me performing it. Particularly pausing when i am talking about a certain part or sequence of the trick.
I plan on using the high speed camera in my Tutorial video. I think it will be the best way to convey my project in describing in detail how to do a Jay-hop on a bmx bike.
I plan to have annotations on the screen whilst the shot is playing in detail, describing every movement and action you must take whilst attempting the trick.

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